Our deepest thanks to our many teachers, we hope they and the participants will all join us again next year!

Sigung George Lim came with his wife Simo Patrice Lim came all the way from Arizona and did an excellent demonstration and taught a seminar that everyone enjoyed immensely!  Sigung George Lim is available for seminars and you can learn more about Sigung Lim at his   website
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Sifu Richard Montford (an instructor under Sigung George Lim) started our day off with an excellent class instructing very methodically in the various aspects of sparring, we thank him for a very lively and educational seminar
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Sifu Rick Zanotti also did excellent seminars on 5 Animal Kung-Fu and detail and corrections to T'ai Chi Ch'uan, our thanks go out to Rick Zanotti for coming from Camarillo and sharing his time and knowledge with us!
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Master GuPing traveled all the way from Colorado Spings and did excellent demonstrations of various styles of T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Northern Kung-Fu and offered excellent workshops in the same, we thank him very much for sharing his knowledge and traveling all the way to our expo from Colorado Springs.  Sifu Gu Ping is also available for seminars and workshops, for more information visit his website at
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Sensei Sam Combes conducted an interactive demonstration and seminar of Aikido which was very well received and enjoyed by the participants as are all of his demos and workshops.   As always, our thanks to Sam Combes for his participation and excellent workshop
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Sifu Al Garza presented an excellent hands on demonstration and video tape presentation of his system which is called Matrix Lima Lama, thank you to Al Garza and his group for sharing their time and knowledge with us
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Sensei Maria Evans attended and had her group demonstrate several excellent forms and also discussed the USKA (United States Karate Alliance) and its upcoming event on May 25th 2002 at the Westwind Community Center (Maximum Point Tournament), our thanks to her and her group for a great demo.  USKA website is at
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Sifu Jack Wimbish (a student under Sigung George Lim) did an excellent presentation and seminar on club techniques which everyone enjoyed, thanks to Jack Wimbish for his time and contribution of knowledge to the expo
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Sifu Bruce Wen attended with his assistants and also demonstrated his Shaolin Kung-Fu and taught several classes, thanks to Bruce for his contribution and attendance at our event and you can also visit his website at
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Sifu Richard Mieir-King and his students (Ray Mortaloni and John Moore) demonstrated the Salute to Sil Lum and the Small Cross and Richard Mieir-King then demonstrated the Tiger and Dragon forms

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Congratulations to our Raffle prizes winners!
Swords and Knives

YIN&YANG.GIF (29209 bytes) Click here to see Raffle Prizes YIN&YANG.GIF (29209 bytes)

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